Learn everything about knockdown rebuilds—from selecting the right builder to designing your new home—in Carlisle Homes’ insightful podcast series.

Season 1 - Teaser

Welcome to the Home Files Podcast

by Carlisle Homes


Looking for a new home but don’t know where to start? 


This series is here to teach you everything you need to know about knocking down an existing home and building a new one - including choosing a builder, determining suitability of your block, selecting, and designing your new home.  

Join hosts Caitlin Judd and Anna Mackenzie (aka Lady-Brains) as they chat with home design and industry experts, real customers and a few notable names - to help you feel confident and in control as you set out to build your dream home. 

Proudly brought to you by Carlisle Homes, this podcast is the first of its kind – and not to be missed!

Click the notify link in your Podcast app to catch the first episode as soon as it drops.   





Episode Notes

Download Carlisle’s new KDR Information Pack which details the entire process from start to finish, including all the acronyms, a block suitability checklist and why you should consider a KDR.

Get in touch - visit us at one of our many display homes or at carlislehomes.com.au.


Everything we talk about on this podcast is general in nature and doesn’t consider your own circumstances. Please speak to a licensed financial advisor or a professional consultant for personalised information. 

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Considering a Knockdown Rebuild?

Download a copy of our 60-page comprehensive Information Pack which details everything you need to know about building a new home after demolishing an existing one.


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