Kitchen design

by Carlisle Homes

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What your kitchen design says about you
Your kitchen is a hive of activity with a constant flow of traffic day in and day out. So it goes without saying that the design you choose for this important space has a huge impact on your home and lifestyle.

Here’s what 4 of our most popular layouts say about your household…

1. Island Bench

The quintessential entertainer, the island bench kitchen puts it all on show.
This design says you think of your kitchen as the social hub of your home – right where the action is, making it the perfect connection to your open-plan living areas. like your kitchen to be highly functional but also interactive – with plenty of bench space and storage for appliances, as well as separate prep areas for multiple cooks.
You’re a multi-tasker – able to cook and wash up while entertaining friends or keeping an eye on the kids.
You want cooking time to be a family affair with bench seating and plenty of clear workspace for children to help you prep the evening meal.
You don’t mind keeping your island bench clear when it’s not in use – with nowhere to hide, an island bench can quickly become a magnet for mess and clutter!

2. U-Shaped

A U-shaped kitchen is a cook’s dream – a highly functional and efficient use of space.
Choosing a U-shaped design means you’re a keen cook and like everything within easy reach.
If you have a big family that spends a lot of time in the kitchen, you like a layout that allows for multiple cooks operating at once without stepping on toes.
You like flexibility when it comes to your kitchen layout – even with limited floor space, the U-shape design allows for plenty of bench space, storage and location options for your fixed appliances.
Your kitchen is still your social hub, retaining that link to the living areas, but it also provides a degree of privacy and minimal through-traffic.

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3. L-Shaped

A highly flexible and efficient layout for small to medium-size homes.
An L-shaped kitchen says you’re a cook who mostly likes to work alone and needs convenient places for all your essentials.
You embrace open-plan living and the flexibility that comes with a family dining table for extra bench space rather than a fixed island bench.
While cooking you still like being part of the action - catching up with your guests or family who are sitting at the dining table or in the adjoining loungeroom.

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The well-designed galley kitchen proves that big things can be achieved in small spaces.
Your galley kitchen says you’re a busy cook who needs utility and convenience built into a compact space.
No time for messing around, your galley kitchen cleverly uses all available bench and storage space and means you’re a mere step from anything you need. You prefer keeping the sights, sounds and smells of the kitchen separate from your living areas.
You like ample storage, easy cleaning and the option of separate working spaces for multiple cooks.


Still unsure which layout suits you best? Here are 3 essential points to consider before you make the right choice:

Space: How much space do you have available for the kitchen? A smaller, narrow area is best suited to the galley kitchen, but if you have more room to move and a flexible floor plan you’ll have more options.

Function: Think about your cooking, living and entertaining habits – how many cooks are in your household? Will there be multiple users at the same time? Do you often have friends over for dinner? Do you need it to be a multifunctional space where the family can interact? These questions will help you determine a layout that fits in with your lifestyle.

Storage & Appliances: How much storage will you need? Consider how many appliances you have and their size – will you need to allow for storage space for them? Will larger appliances need to sit on the benchtop (taking up valuable prep space) or kept out of sight? Each kitchen layout will differ in terms of storage options and should be a big factor in your decision making.

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Our EasyLiving range offers these four kitchen layouts, all designed with you in mind. For help choosing the best design for your home, check out our Home Designs at EasyLiving.

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