New House and Land Packages in Diggers Rest
Diggers Rest has a median property value of $0, with 116 house sales in the past year. Rental yields stand at 4.18%, with a median weekly rent of $520, making the area attractive to investors. The suburb includes 2582 dwellings in an area of approximately 69.9 square kilometres.
Work with usLearn more about Diggers Rest
Diggers Rest's population of 2746 is largely made up of young professionals, with a substantial number of families. The median weekly household income is $. The area is diverse, with a mix of Australian and European ancestries, and given its deep roots in Victoria’s early history, it has a strong community spirit.
Diggers Rest has a local primary school and access to various secondary schools in nearby Sunbury. Residents enjoy 8 parks, covering 1 of the area, and numerous walking and cycling tracks. Local amenities include a supermarket, restaurants, and cafes. For extensive shopping, Watergardens and Sunbury Square are easily accessible with Sunbury just 5km away. With over six new estates in the area, these burgeoning developments will offer increased shopping, commercial, employment, education and recreation opportunities in the local area. The allure of new estates, coupled with its gateway location to Bendigo and Ballarat, makes Diggers Rest an attractive choice for those seeking a balanced lifestyle.
Why choose Carlisle Homes?
Carlisle Homes is an award-winning builder of new homes in Melbourne, providing exceptional quality to first home buyers and established homeowners alike. Thanks to our excellent reputation and deep market connections, we’ve been trusted to build over 15,000 new homes over the last two decades. In addition, our extensive range of new house designs means we cater to your specific needs, whether that’s a particular home style or block size.
We’re the experts in home and land packages in Diggers Rest and are ready to build your new forever home.
20 years of experience in building over 15,000 homes.
Enjoy premium inclusions across three diverse ranges.
Carlisle Connect delivers up-to-the-minute information during construction.
Comprehensive home customisation with Spectra Online.
Houses we can build in Diggers Rest
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Contact us or call 1300 520 914 and we’ll help you find the perfect block for your brand new home!
Why choose Diggers Rest?
Diggers Rest is an established yet growing suburb 30km north of Melbourne’s CBD. Once a vital stop on the goldfields route and with history dating back to the 1860s, it now presents premium land and luxury home opportunities. With its green wedge and urban growth zones, Diggers Rest is poised for ongoing development. Residents enjoy convenient access to major highways, including the Calder Freeway, and Diggers Rest train station on the Sunbury line.
Diggers Rest Suburb Profile
Diggers Rest has a median property value of $0, with 116 house sales in the past year. Rental yields stand at 4.18%, with a median weekly rent of $520, making the area attractive to investors. The suburb includes 2582 dwellings in an area of approximately 69.9 square kilometres.
Diggers Rest demographics
Diggers Rest's population of 2746 is largely made up of young professionals, with a substantial number of families. The median weekly household income is $. The area is diverse, with a mix of Australian and European ancestries, and given its deep roots in Victoria’s early history, it has a strong community spirit.
Diggers Rest amenities
Diggers Rest has a local primary school and access to various secondary schools in nearby Sunbury. Residents enjoy 8 parks, covering 1 of the area, and numerous walking and cycling tracks. Local amenities include a supermarket, restaurants, and cafes. For extensive shopping, Watergardens and Sunbury Square are easily accessible with Sunbury just 5km away. With over six new estates in the area, these burgeoning developments will offer increased shopping, commercial, employment, education and recreation opportunities in the local area. The allure of new estates, coupled with its gateway location to Bendigo and Ballarat, makes Diggers Rest an attractive choice for those seeking a balanced lifestyle.
Choose from over 100 floorplans
Looking for a designer kitchen, oversized walk-in robe, or 5-bedroom home design? With Carlisle’s meticulously designed floorplans, you can build your dream home with beautiful living spaces for your family and friends.
Select your facade
Our facade design range includes premium features like timber detailing, glass balustrading and much more, at an affordable price. From contemporary style to resort feel, we have the perfect facade for your home.
Customise with Spectra
At our award-winning Spectra Showroom, you’ll be able to see and touch a wide range of quality products; with design consultants on hand to guide you through selecting the finishes for your home.
We build your dream home
Our build time guarantee gives you ultimate peace of mind – so you’ll know the date that you’ll be moving into your dream home.
Frequently asked questions
What exactly is a house and land package in Diggers Rest?
Diggers Rest house and land packages are quite simple: they bundle together contracts for land and construction in Diggers Rest. Practically speaking, the end result is that you can spend less time looking for land and builders, and more time enjoying your Diggers Rest property.
How long does it take Carlisle Homes to build a house?
Constructing a Carlisle house usually takes around 7 to 10 months. The exact timeline varies based on the house package chosen. A general timeline is:
Pre-site: 10–12 weeks. You begin by selecting then customising your Diggers Rest home, along with signing the contracts. After this, we commence acquiring permits and securing loan approvals.
Construction: 16–24 weeks. Carlisle Homes builds your home and hands over the keys.
Warranty: 4–5 weeks. A few months after you move in, we confirm that everything with your new home is perfect by conducting a 100-point Warranty Inspection.
Would you like to know more? Learn about our build process timeline.
Does Carlisle keep customers informed?
Our number one goal is ensuring that our customers are satisfied and comfortable. We have created Carlisle Connect so that our customers can keep up-to-date on every aspect of construction — from warranties and manuals to user guides and milestones. With Carlisle Homes, customers are never left in the dark.
If you're looking for inspiration for your new home, visit our Home Files resource. From design to financing, it has plenty of tips and tricks about what you can do with a brand new house and land package in Diggers Rest.
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