Organise for Success and Start Your Day the De-Cluttered Way

by Carlisle Homes


“Organise your life around your dreams, and watch them come true”

At Carlisle homes we are all about helping you turn your dreams into reality. Last month we shared a list of ways to de-clutter your life and in doing so create your dream pantry, laundry and kitchen. This month we’re moving to the more intimate spaces of your home being the walk-in-robe and bathrooms. We’ll provide practical tips that will instantly transform your spaces from cluttered to calm.

In challenging times like this a quote from Heidi Leonard has never been more apt, “stop waiting for the perfect time to get organised. Take this moment and make some progress.”


We create bathrooms where from the beginning everything has its place, visit the tranquillity at our Langholm display, Tarneit

Transforming your bathroom into a soothing sanctuary

The best way to get something done is to begin - and what better place to start this de-cluttering journey than in the same space where most of us begin our day – the bathroom. De-cluttering your bathroom will provide you with a sense of calm and a positive outlook to start each day.


You will need:

  • A clear space to lay everything out
  • A rubbish bag
  • A recycling box
  • Cleaning products to give your shelves a proper once over

Getting started: 

Empty all the items and products from the drawers and cupboards and lay everything out on the floor or vanity top. Doing this simple task allows you to see how many unused and old products you have accumulated in your bathroom over the years.

Ditch the duplicates: 

Other than the absolute essentials you do not need duplicates of the same product or expired products taking up much needed space.

Little known fact: 

You might not have noticed before but nearly every cosmetic product tells you how long they are safe to be used for after opening. The product will either have a graphic symbol or a written number of months. So 12M on a foundation means it’s good for 12 months after opening. This is particularly important for products that are used in or around your eyes, like mascara and eyeliner. These products often display 3M meaning they should only be used safely for three months after opening.

Divide and conquer with basketsboxes and trays: 

These work well to contain smaller items in drawers, cupboards and shelves and to avoid products getting ‘lost’ at the back of the cupboard. Our experts recommend dividing further by assigning separate baskets to each family member.


Use boxes and baskets to group and store items to avoid them cluttering your visual space. This bathroom sanctuary on display at our Sorrento Grand Retreat.

Clear your counters: 

Now that you have organised your products, do not let them gather up on the counters. Nothing makes you feel more relaxed and positive than clear bench tops and no clutter. Not only will your bathroom look beautiful with products tidied away in cupboards and drawers, your beauty products will benefit from being kept out of direct sunlight.

Pro tip: 

Remember the Finnish proverb, “Happiness is a place between too little and too much.” You don’t need to feel guilty investing in great quality cosmetics but you do not need multiple products that serve the same need just because they were on sale.


Design a robe that is the envy of your neighbours

“Organisation isn't about perfection; it's about efficiency, reducing stress and clutter, saving time and money and improving your overall quality of life.”
- Christina Scalise.

Pro tip: 

Take all your clothes out at once instead of organising section by section. Go through each item and decide if it ‘sparks joy’ or if you are only holding on for ‘maybe one day.’ Have two piles one to keep and one to go. Be ruthless, if it doesn’t spark joy, you don’t wear it or you have duplicates then it’s time to say goodbye to that item.

Create a system: 

Different wardrobe systems work best for different people. Our tip is to either divide your wardrobe space by occasion (formal, casual, workwear, etc.) or by item type (pants, shirts, dresses, jackets, etc.)

Invest in yourself: 

Instantly transform your space into a designer boutique with matching hangers. Try these copper coat hangers for a touch of Nordic sophistication or use wood or velvet hangers for a slip resistant and slim design that allows for more hanging space.

Colour code for class: 

Dividing your clothes by colour, as you rehang or fold them, is one of the simplest ways to help put your outfits together and to give your wardrobe a glamorous visual aesthetic.

Give back to the community: 

Clutter is what you end up with when you have more stuff than you need, so instead of viewing de-cluttering as a painful task, view it as an opportunity to give to those who need it more. Your unworn or pre-loved items could provide vital stock to your local charity shop.


Feel the sense of calm in our Montague Grand walk-in-robe

“For every minute spent organising, an hour is earned.” Now that your walk-in-robe is colour coded and systemised, and your bathroom counters are clear of clutter, just think how much time you will save getting ready each morning and how stress free your day will begin. 

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To see how you can design an organised bathroom sanctuary or a robe that is the envy of your friends, visit one of our many display homes across Melbourne. Click here to find a display nearest to you or alternatively, jump online and take a virtual tour to find your perfect home design.


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